Monday, April 06, 2009

Brazilian Alumnus Joins WFC Board of Directors

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute
In 1996, Claudio Ortolan completed a one-year Fellowship at WFI as the Brazilian representative, and WFI is proud to announce his election to the Board of Directors at the World Forestry Center. Claudio joins Jes Munk Hansen as the second WFI alumnus to sit on the board.

“I am very flattered and I hope to be able to collaborate,” says Claudio. “The time I spent in WFI was a continental divide in my career and was a very enjoyable time in my personal life too.”

“I see room for experience exchange between the North and South. In the South you have the intensively managed plantation forestry; everyone gets amazed seeing mature forest for harvest only 7 years old,” he explains. “The North is still the source of capital. And WFI has proved to be the meeting point of choice for the forest investment community.”

“The northern hemisphere companies also have the experience of dealing with environmental concerns. The environmental pressure may have changed sides. Forest companies are well positioned to supply sustainable and carbon neutral products and clean energy, and at the same time protect water and wildlife. WFI has been conveying this message for a long time.”

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