Wednesday, April 25, 2007

GreenWood Resources

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute.
Fellows visited with Richard Shuren and Rick Stonex at GreenWood Resources. GreenWood breeds, tests, and grows hybrid poplars for use in the US, China, S. America, and other locations around the world. Click on Ma and his favorite clones for more photos.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Volunteer Day at Magness Tree Farm

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute.
Fellows volunteered to help clean up Magness Tree Farm's trails and remove ivy alongside a team from Mason Bruce & Girard. Click on Nerijus and Ma for more photos.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Port Blakley Tree Farms

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute.
Kelly Stanley allowed Fellows to tag along to an education tour with a group of fourth graders. Click on Cris for more pics.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

April 2007 WFI Update now available

The newest WFI Update is now available for download from:

In this issue, find articles on:
*New Fellow from Australia
*Outdoor recreation field tours
*Welcome to new Education Forester
Jill Romine
*Recent events
*Updates from alumni around the globe

WFI Program Manager

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Webster Nursery

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute.

Fellows visited Webster Nursery, a 50 year old nursery run by the Washington Department of Natural Resources. The nursery provides 10 million seedlings a year to state and private lands for reforestation. The 260 acre facilities primarily grows 9 species, including Douglas-fir, true firs, pines, and alder. Webster is Washington’s only state run nursery and has been self-funded since 1962; all seeds, salaries, improvements and operations are paid from the nursery's $2.5 million yearly revenues. Click on the transplant team for more photos.