Friday, June 09, 2006

June 2006 WFI Update Published

The newest issue of WFI Update is now available for download at:

The newest issue features:
*welcome to Pei-Jung Wang, new Fellow from Taiwan
*Farewell to Xiaoli Wang from China
*Recent field tours
*Visits to Greenwood Resources and Longview Fibre
*Special visit from Korean alumnus In Chul Jung

Angie DiSalvo
WFI Program Manager

Monday, June 05, 2006

Dinner with Harry

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute.

Harry Merlo, the "Father of WFI", hosted fellows at his home for a wonderful evening of food and wine. Click on the group for more photos.

Farewell, Xiaoli!

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute.

After a year in Portland, it was time to say goodbye to Chinese Fellow Xiaoli Wang. Of course, what better way to celebrate than with Xiaoli's famous cooking? Xiaoli and housemate Michele hosted a wonderful potluck dinner, complete with dumping and spring roll making lessons. Over 250 dumplings were made! Click on Xiaoli and Sara for more photos.

Longview Fibre Company

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute.

Jay Holland, tree farm manager for Longview Fibre, toured Fellows around land he manages near the Tillamook. In addition to ordering perfect weathe, Jay showed Fellows some amazing sites, including active cable logging systems, helicopter flying of cedar for shakes and shingles, and salmon stream habitat restoration. Click on Pei-jung for more photos.

Fellows meet with Jim Brown

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute.

Jim Brown, former State Forester for Oregon, met with Fellows to discuss his experiences working for ODF and the state. His extensive career spanned an important period in Oregon's forests. Jim noted that the biggest changes in forestry that he has seen over time included forester's roles becoming more politicized, federal land management moving from providing a wide variety of services to only environmental services, the increased use of public involvement, wood supply becoming more global, and the development of the sustainability concept.

Mt. Hood National Forest

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute.

Fellows visited with Natural Resources Staff Officer Lisa Norris at Mt. Hood National Forest. Lisa shared her experiences working with the USFS and gave an excellent overview of operations at Mt. Hood. The Mt. Hood NF is uniquely located near the urban center of Portland, and received a large number of visitors each year. Managing for multiple resources and uses is a challenge, but obviously one that Lisa greatly enjoys.