Thursday, December 11, 2008

Join us! Educator Sought for World Forest Institute Fellowship

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute
The American Forest Foundation (AFF) and the World Forestry Center have worked together for many years to develop activities for educators with an environmental focus. Most recently, Project Learning Tree, an AFF program, and WFC joined forces to creat Global Connections: Forests of the World, a guide and activity set for educators to help students gain an increased understanding and appreciation of world forest environments, with an emphasis on human dependence on forests. The activities provide students opportunities to apply scientific processes and higher order thinking skills while investigating world forestry issues and conducting service learning action projects.

In an exciting collaboration, AFF will fund a WFI Fellow to continue researching and supplementing the curriculum. This special Fellowship is open to applicants with education experience and some background in natural resources. Strong communication skills, including excellent English, and computer skills are also required. The closing date is February 15, 2009, and the Fellow will begin at WFI in May, 2009.

Download more information here:

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