Monday, June 11, 2007

Joint SAF Meeting

Originally uploaded by World Forest Institute
Fellows joined Portland, Salem, and Capital Chapters of SAF for a joint meeting at the Oregon Garden in Silverton. For more photos, click on the Fellows.

Foresters attending local Society of American Foresters (SAF) meetings may have noticed a few new international accents this year as WFI’s Fellows have participated in SAF events around the Portland area. SAF is composed of professional foresters and technicians and gatherings are perfect opportunities for Fellows to network with other professionals.

In addition to regularly attending the Portland Chapter meetings, Fellows have connected with various other regional SAF groups. Earlier this year, Zengwang Ma presented to the Tillamook Chapter about forest restoration in his hometown of Hebei, China. Ma was able to find many similarities between the reforestation work done in Hebei and work completed to reforest the Tillamook after a series of fires 50 years ago. In May, Matt Pope presented to the Longview Chapter and shared his experiences working in radiata pine plantations in New South Wales, Australia.

Fellows also participated in the Oregon SAF state meeting in Bend, Oregon. In addition to hearing speakers and networking, the state meeting included a field tour of east-side fire issues involving stewardship contracting, restoration, and a variety of treatments to reduce fire risk. Fellows plan to be a continued presence at SAF events, including the National Convention in October in Portland.

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